Everything in the world operates with such delicacy and synchronicity.
Everywhere your eyes choose to admire, nature finds a way to surprise you.
Every living creature, no matter how big or small, crawling from point A to point B, for whatever reason, seems to understand its role in the world.
Even if you realize the grass isn't greener on the other side, appreciate the clouds that look like mountains in the sky next to a perfectly illuminated sun.
Taking photographs to brag about a free concert ticket or stitching together images to gloat about simultaneous events and uploading them to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter have become a part of life.
Capturing the moment has become a new priority.
Sometimes, the moment captured is for confirmation of one's social status.
As naive and shallow as that may sound, it happens.
What about money?
Money has shed a new light since the beginning of college. It's appealing, but not fully satisfying.
Instant gratification, for sure.
If someone were to ask me three years ago, would you want three thousand dollars in cash or a three thousand mile road trip?
I would've said "Cash, baby. Cash!"
Sometimes, trips are better than money.
I failed to understand the importance behind discovering national parks or visiting museums when I was younger.
I hated the annoyingly boring 2 hour car drives to Jax Beach filled with Bee Gees classics pumped through the speakers.
But yes, I am guilty of trying to synthesize moments.
10 years later, I catch myself snapping an absurd number of pictures rather than letting my eyes and mind wander to attempt to understand the intricate beauty of the world.
Now, I set my phone aside more often, while my face is glued to the side of whatever window I'm near.
And I stare.
Because I don't know when I will ever see clear, starry night skies or weird weather patterns again.
Or find the places I've never known before.
Since I'm not sure when this trip will end.
You should have seen that sunrise, with your own eyes. It brought me back to life.
You'll be with me next time I go outside.
No more 3x5s.
Just no more 3x5s